Maharashtra Minister Nitesh Rane ignited controversy on Thursday with his remarks concerning the stabbing of actor Saif Ali Khan at his residence in Mumbai. Rane questioned the validity of the incident, implying that the Bollywood actor may not have truly been stabbed and could be merely pretending, as reported by ANI.
During a Hindu Mahotsav rally in Alandi, Rane expressed skepticism regarding the severity of the injury sustained during the attempted robbery at Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra residence.
“I observed when he exited the hospital, I questioned whether he had actually been stabbed or if he was just acting. He was dancing while he walked. Whenever any Khan, such as Shahrukh Khan or Saif Ali Khan, is injured, everyone starts talking about it,” Rane stated.
The BJP MLA also referred to Saif Ali Khan as “garbage” in his speech, implying that he ought to be removed.
“Look at what Bangladeshis are doing in Mumbai. They entered Saif Ali Khan’s house. Previously, they used to linger at the road crossings; now they have begun entering homes. Perhaps he came to take him (Saif) away. It is good; garbage should be taken away,” he remarked.
Saif Ali Khan was assaulted by Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, a Bangladeshi immigrant, during a robbery attempt on January 16 at his apartment.
Rane continued to assert that the attention surrounding Khan’s situation was tied to his religion and suggested that Hindu actors did not garner the same degree of scrutiny.
“When a Hindu actor like Sushant Singh Rajput is tormented, no one steps forward to utter anything. That Mumbra’s Jeetuddin (Jitendra Awhad) and Baramati’s Tai (Supriya Sule) did not come forward to say anything. They are only concerned about Saif Ali Khan, Shah Rukh Khan’s son, and Nawab Malik. Have you ever seen them show worry for any Hindu artist? ” he questioned.
Before targeting Saif Ali Khan, Rane had previously launched a critique against Bangladeshi immigrants in the nation, stating, “Look at what Bangladeshis are doing in Mumbai. They entered Saif Ali Khan’s house. Previously they used to linger at the crossings of the roads, now they have begun entering homes. ”