Recently, double Olympic medallist Neeraj Chopra has married Himani Mor in an idyllic location. As per the reports of The Economic Times, the couple exchanged their vows at Suryavilas Resort in Kumarhatti, Solan, Himachal Pradesh. This resort and spa amidst the Himalayan hills has acted as an ideal setting for this day.
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About Suryavilas Resort
Spread over 15 acres of panoramic Himalayan slopes, Suryavilas Resort offers breathtaking views and serenity. This resorts boasts 36 unique rooms and 18 luxurious glamping cottages. Glamping has been derived from “glamorous” and “camping”, thereby giving the guest a chance to enjoy the rustic charm of camping with all modern luxuries.
The resort offers spa services and customized wellness itineraries. Guests can organize events at the poolside or on the restaurant’s terrace, set at an altitude of 3,200 feet.
Room Types and Prices
The resort offers several accommodation options, which include Deluxe, Superior, Premium, and Luxury rooms, besides Himalayan cottage rooms. The base price for a stay is Rs. 10,999 per night.
Here is a detailed break-up of room prices and facilities:
- Himalayan Cottage Room (340 sq. ft.): Rs. 10,999
- Deluxe Room (350 sq. ft.): Rs. 14,499 (includes a balcony)
- Superior Room (450 sq. ft.): Rs. 16,999 (private courtyard with mountain views)
- Premium Room (550 sq. ft.): Rs. 19,999 (separate dressing room and panoramic views)
- Luxury Room (1,300 sq. ft.): Rs. 45,999 (large windows with valley views and private, temperature-regulated swimming pool).
It offers the right amount of luxury, natural beauty, and personal experience to create an ideal place for weddings or secluded retreats.