After going through several operations, Saif Ali Khan is now recuperating in Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. Amid all this, the actress was distressed by a video showing photographers outside his and Kareena Kapoor’s house shooting. On Instagram, she reposted the video and called the invasion.
Kareena Kapoor calls for assistance with photographers.
Monday on Instagram, Kareena Kapoor published a video of paparazzi outside her and Saif’s house. People were shown in the video carrying big toy vehicles inside the house. She wrote, expressing her annoyance, “stop this now.” Get a heart. She later deleted the post “leave us alone, for God’s sake.”
Where is Saif Ali Khan these days?
After an attempt robbery at his house, an intruder struck Saif Ali Khan, who was admitted on Thursday at Lilavati Hospital. Including one close his back and neck, he got several injuries. Doctors have confirmed he is now recovering and no longer in danger after a few surgeries.
Saif is discharge from the hospital has postponed. Dr. Nitin Dange said Saif will be under observation for a day longer; discharge decision is expected in one to two days.
In an Instagram post before, Kareena Kapoor asked privacy on the matter, noting, “Our family has had a very trying day and we are still trying to make sense of what have transpired.” I politely and meekly ask that the media and paparazzi stop constant conjecture and reporting as we negotiate this hard period.”
She went on to say, “While we value the concern and help, the continuous observation and attention are not only overpowering but also present a great threat to our safety. Kindly, therefore, would you honor our limits and provide our family with room to respond and recover.