It is learnt that the wedding ceremony, attended by close family and friends, remained a private affair. Neeraj’s wife, Himani, is reportedly pursuing her studies in the United States. The photos shared by Neeraj include moments with his wife during the wedding rituals. Neeraj also shared another pic with his mother performating the rituals. Following the announcement, social media was abuzz with congratulatory messages for the sporting icon. Neeraj started practice of javelin throwing at the Shivaji ground at Panipat in 2012 with the help of his friend Jaiveer. He also excelled in the state-level school sports championship. After that he never looked back and participated in several events. His first coach Naseem Ahmad trained him at the Devi Lal Stadium, Panchkula.
In 2014, he won silver medal in Asian Championship in Bangkok. In 2014, he equalled the national record of 82.23m in South Asian games. However, Neeraj could not qualify for the Rio Olympics as he lost the competition as he scored 82.37 m, falling short of the required 83m by just 63cm. But he did not lose hope and 12 days later, he created a new world record by throwing javelin at a distance of 86.48m. Chopra won the gold medal at the 2020 Olympics, becoming the first Asian javelin throw athlete to do so. He became the first Asian to win a gold in javelin at the World Championships after his win in 2023. Chopra has been named the best male javelin thrower in the world in 2024 by globally-renowned American magazine ‘Track and Field News’. In 2024 Paris Olympics, Neeraj wonsilver medal as Pakistan’s Arshad Nadeem won the gold medal.