Mumbai police have arrested the main accused in the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, following two previous misidentifications. The accused has confessed to the crime, police said on Sunday.
Accused’s Background and Details
The suspect, identified as Vijay Das, Bijoy Das, and Mohammed Iliyas, worked as a waiter at a restaurant. He is currently being held at Khar Police Station. A briefing regarding the case will be held at the DCP zone IX office at 9 am today.
Earlier Detentions
Earlier, Mumbai police detained a person for questioning, but they clarified that he was not involved in the attack. Additionally, another suspect, 32-year-old Aakash Kanojia, was arrested in Chhattisgarh by the Raipur Railway Protection Force (RPF) while traveling by train. He was later handed over to Mumbai police.
Details of the Attack on Saif Ali Khan
Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times in his Bandra apartment early on Thursday. He was immediately rushed to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital with serious injuries, including wounds to his thoracic spine. Following surgery to remove a 2.5-inch blade, the actor is now out of danger, though medical staff continue to monitor his recovery closely