Delhi Police stopped screening the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) documentary, Unbreakable, on January 18, citing non-compliance with election guidelines. The documentary, centered on AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal’s leadership and the party’s activities during and after his imprisonment, was scheduled to be screened at Pyarelal Bhawan, ITO at 11:30 AM.
AAP Alleges Political Interference
AAP Convener and former CM Arvind Kejriwal blame BJP on this issue. He wrote on X “A film has been made on Aam Aadmi Party. Today, where this film was to be shown to journalists, look there, BJP prevented the screening of this film by deploying a huge police force. BJP is very scared of this film. Why?”
“Why does BJP want to stop this film? What is there in this film that BJP is scared of? This film exposes all the secrets behind the scenes when AAP leaders were wrongly arrested. It exposes the illegal and unconstitutional actions of the BJP government” he added,
आम आदमी पार्टी पर एक फ़िल्म बनी है। आज जहाँ इस फ़िल्म को पत्रकारों को दिखाया जाना था, वहाँ देखिए, कितनी भारी संख्या में पुलिस लगाकर बीजेपी ने इस फ़िल्म को दिखाने से रोक दिया। बीजेपी इस फ़िल्म से बुरी तरह से डरी हुई है।
आख़िर क्यों? बीजेपी इस फ़िल्म को क्यो रोकना चाहती है? इस…
— Arvind Kejriwal (@ArvindKejriwal) January 18, 2025
AAP claimed that the screening was halted under pressure from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). According to party sources, theatre owners across Delhi were allegedly threatened against showing the film. “The documentary showcases AAP leaders going to jail and their resilience. Its screening was set for 11:30 AM but was blocked at BJP’s behest,” alleged AAP sources.
Police Cite Violation of Election Protocols
In response, Delhi Police issued a statement explaining that the event lacked the required permissions. “During elections, political parties must seek approval for such events through the single-window system at the District Election Office (DEO). No permission was taken for this screening, making it a violation of established guidelines,” the statement read. Police emphasized the importance of adhering to election rules and regulations.
Background on the Documentary
The film, Unbreakable, explores AAP’s journey during Kejriwal’s imprisonment and the party’s operations upon his release. Its timing coincides with the Delhi Assembly elections, intensifying the political discourse in the capital.
Election Guidelines in Focus
With elections announced, all political events and campaigns require prior approval to ensure compliance with the Model Code of Conduct. The Delhi Police reiterated its commitment to maintaining a fair and lawful electoral environment.
What Lies Ahead
The halt in the documentary’s screening highlights the scrutiny political activities face during election periods. While AAP accuses the BJP of undue interference, authorities insist that the action aligns with election protocols. As Delhi gears up for assembly elections, political parties will need to navigate a tightly regulated environment to reach voters.