Senior police officials on Friday expressed their disappointment with the Bandra police regarding their lack of urgency in addressing the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan by an intruder. They indicated that the police did not quickly notify key units such as the crime branch and the Government Railway Police (GRP), which could have assisted in obstructing the suspect’s escape routes.
A senior officer mentioned that prompt action could have resulted in the suspect’s apprehension within hours of the incident, which took place around 2 am on Thursday.
“It appears to be a total failure of the Bandra police, who did not treat the incident with the seriousness it deserved and also failed to notify nearby police stations and the crime branch to apprehend the perpetrator as soon as they were informed of the incident,” stated the senior officer.
Sources disclosed that a team from the Bandra police station reached Lilavati Hospital, where Khan is receiving medical care, at roughly 4 am on Thursday to collect information. At the same time, another team visited the Satguru Sharan building in Bandra West, where the incident occurred.
“The crime branch was notified about the incident at around 6 am, three and a half hours after the incident,” the senior officer said. “It was nighttime, and the streets were devoid of pedestrians. If the Bandra police had alerted all other police stations, along with officials in patrolling vans and beat marshals, they could have easily apprehended the suspect,” the officer remarked.
The senior officer further indicated that the crime branch was not given critical information, such as the First Information Report (FIR) and CCTV footage of the attacker. He suggested that this lack of coordination undermined efforts to capture the criminal. The officer stressed the importance of healthy competition between police stations and crime branch units in combating serious crimes effectively.
Another officer noted that the Bandra police could have provided CCTV footage to various units, including the GRP, Railway Protection Force, and the crime branch. Such actions might have initiated measures like nakabandi throughout Bandra, especially near railway stations and other exit points, to intercept the suspect.
A retired police officer, who chose to remain anonymous, pointed out a decrease in proactive efforts observed in previous high-profile cases. “There were clear lapses and negligence evident in three high-profile cases—the shooting at actor Salman Khan’s residence, where the suspects fled the city and were apprehended after three days; the murder of senior NCP leader Baba Siddique, in which the main shooter returned to the crime scene and visited Lilavati Hospital, where the former minister was taken for care, yet still managed to escape the city; and the case involving the attack on Saif Ali Khan,” the retired officer remarked.
Retired IPS officer PK Jain noted that in the past, local gangs would alert the police when outsiders engaged in criminal activities. Nonetheless, aspects such as migration, enhanced transportation, and greater anonymity have facilitated criminals in avoiding detection. He also highlighted the changing priorities within law enforcement. “Furthermore, the emphasis of the police now is on emerging types of crime like cybercrime and VIP protection, which leads them to neglect minor and street offenses,” he remarked.
Retired assistant commissioner of police Sunil Deshmukh mentioned that previous ground patrolling methods ensured a notable police presence, particularly during banking hours, which decreased street crimes. “Currently, there is scarcely any police presence on the streets. Consequently, street crimes such as mobile theft are rampant, where the offenders can commit an act and escape on two-wheelers,” Deshmukh clarified.