In a bizarre and funny incident in Shanghai, China, a tiny AI robot named Erbai made headlines after it was seen “kidnapping” 12 larger robots from a showroom. The amusing event was captured in a video that has since gone viral on social media, leaving viewers in stitches. In the footage, Erbai, a small robot, approaches its larger counterparts and begins commanding them to “go home.”
The Dialogue Between Robots
As Erbai interacts with the bigger robots, it humorously asks, “Are you guys still working?” The larger robots reply that they don’t get a day off, to which Erbai responds with a cheeky, “Then do you go home?” The robots’ response, “I don’t have a home,” adds an extra layer of humour to the situation, highlighting the robots’ lack of autonomy or a designated “home.” This funny exchange between the AI robots quickly captured the attention of viewers, sparking a flurry of reactions online.
In Shanghai, China, a tiny AI robot named Erbai “kidnapped” 12 bigger robots from a showroom 🤯
— Ai Times (@timeforainews) January 16, 2025
Viral Video and Public Reaction
The video has garnered significant attention, with people praising the creativity of the interaction and the human-like qualities attributed to the robots. Many viewers found the scenario both humorous and relatable, as it imagines a playful world where robots experience similar frustrations to humans. The video also highlights the growing role of AI and robotics in modern society, blurring the lines between human-like behaviours and machine functionality.