The son of fugitive businessman Vijay Mallya, Sidhartha Mallya, and his wife Jasmine are in Los Angeles as the city battles massive wildfires. Sidhartha, in an update shared on Instagram, confirmed that the couple is safe and offered assistance to anyone in need.
She extended her gratitude and said, “Thank you all who reached out. Jasmine and I and all the animals are safe. And if anyone is in LA in need of assistance, please give us a holla.” Jasmin also requested relief materials such as water.
Sidhartha is the son of Vijay Mallya and his first wife, Samira Tyabjee Mallya. He married Jasmine last June at his father’s expansive estate in Hertfordshire, England. Their close friends attended the wedding, which included some of Vijay Mallya’s friends from India. The couple lives in London.
Meanwhile, some 10,000 homes and other buildings have been lost in the devastating wildfires sweeping Los Angeles. Firefighters continue to fight the fire with aerial firefighting assistance. In response to the disaster, President Joe Biden declared a major disaster and announced that the federal government will cover 100% of recovery expenses in the next 180 days. That means money for debris removal, temporary shelters, and pay for first responders’ salaries. “I told the governor, local officials, spare no expense to do what they need to do and contain these fires,” Biden said.