The Gautam Buddh Nagar Police Commissionerate has recently issued a stern warning to parents and guardians regarding the alarming rise in accidents and fatalities caused by underage driving. The police are taking decisive action to address this concerning trend and ensure road safety in the region. Official Statement by Noida Police In an official statement […]
The Gautam Buddh Nagar Police Commissionerate has recently issued a stern warning to parents and guardians regarding the alarming rise in accidents and fatalities caused by underage driving. The police are taking decisive action to address this concerning trend and ensure road safety in the region.
Official Statement by Noida Police
In an official statement released by the Noida Police, authorities have highlighted the illegal nature of minors operating motor vehicles. The recent surge in accidents involving underage drivers has prompted the police to remind parents and guardians of their responsibilities in preventing underage driving.
Penalties for Permitting Teenage Driving
Parents or guardians who allow
minors to drive without a valid license will face stringent penalties. These penalties may include fines of up to Rs 25,000, potential legal actions under Section 125 of the Bhartiya Nyay Sanhita, and the suspension of vehicle registration for a period of 12 months. Additionally, minors caught driving illegally will be prohibited from obtaining a driving license until they reach adulthood.
Commitment to Road Safety
The police Commissionerate is deeply committed to reducing the number of accidents and fatalities caused by underage drivers. By enforcing strict penalties and urging parents and guardians to report instances of underage driving, authorities are working towards creating a safer road environment for all residents.
Rigorous Campaign Against Underage Driving
As part of their efforts to combat underage driving, the traffic police have launched a comprehensive campaign to detect and deter such illegal activities across the city. This initiative aims to raise awareness among residents about the repercussions of flouting traffic laws and underscores the importance of compliance for a secure community.