Wildlife SOS recently shared a heartwarming video of Bani, a baby elephant under their care, enjoying a refreshing dip in a pool to beat the scorching summer heat. The video, posted on their official X profile, captures Bani splashing around joyfully, showcasing remarkable progress since her rescue.
Bani Enjoys Pool-Time in the Summer!
Related NewsAs summer temperatures soar at the Elephant Hospital Campus in Mathura, Bani’s dedicated caregivers have created a special treat for her—a dug-out mud pool filled daily with fresh, cool water. This pool provides Bani with a refreshing respite… pic.twitter.com/XlMOvnViTo
— Wildlife SOS (@WildlifeSOS) June 11, 2024
“Bani Enjoys Pool-Time in the Summer!” reads the caption accompanying the video. At the Elephant Hospital Campus in Mathura, Bani’s dedicated caregivers have created a special treat for her—a dug-out mud pool filled daily with fresh, cool water. This pool not only provides Bani with a refreshing respite from the heat but also serves as a fun enrichment activity, allowing her to roll around in the water and use her trunk to squirt water on herself and those nearby. Additionally, the muddy bath forms a protective layer on her skin, shielding her from the sun’s rays, helping to cool her body temperature, and protecting her from insect bites.
The heartening response to the video reflects the appreciation of people towards Wildlife SOS for their exemplary care of the orphaned elephant. Bani’s journey began tragically when she became the victim of a train collision in Uttarakhand at just nine months old. Left behind and injured while crossing the tracks with her herd, baby elephant Bani was found in a field near the tracks, suffering from significant injuries to her spine, hips, and legs, rendering her unable to stand. Prompt intervention from the Uttarakhand Forest Department and Wildlife SOS ensured her immediate rescue and medical attention.
Since her rescue, Bani has been under the dedicated care of Wildlife SOS, receiving round-the-clock attention and medical care. Despite her initial injuries, the video of her enjoying pool time is a testament to her resilience and the unwavering commitment of her caregivers.
As Bani continues to progress under the care of Wildlife SOS, her story serves as an inspiring reminder of the importance of wildlife conservation efforts and the profound impact of compassionate care on the lives of rescued animals.