MUMBAI: Shilpa Shetty Kundra got a Covid test done before resuming shooting for the upcoming film ‘Hungama 2’ in the city. Shilpa took to her verified Instagram account on Wednesday to inform about the same. The actress also shared a Boomerang video where she features in a retro look, dressed up like veteran actress-dancer Helen in her heydays. Shilpa looks dazzling in a black full-sleeve dress made of net and completed her look with a retro hairdo. “Back on the sets.. Covid tested. ‘Hungama 2’ in retro vibes . An ode to the OG queen #helenji. #vintage #fun #dance #retro #hungama2, ” Shilpa captioned the video. Parts of the film have been shot in Mumbai and Himachal Pradesh last year. The Priyadarshan directorial comedy also stars Paresh Rawal, Mezaan Jaffery and Pranitha Subhash. ‘Hungama 2’, along with ‘Nikamma’, marks Shilpa’s return to cinema after a gap of 13 years.