West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee sustained injuries on her forehead on Thursday, according to the Trinamool Congress. As per the party, its chief sustained a ‘major injury’ on her forehead. The All India Trinamool Congress shared photos of Banerjee on a hospital bed with a deep cut in the middle of her forehead and blood on her face.
“Our chairperson Mamata Banerjee sustained a major injury. Please keep her in your prayers,” the party said in a post on X.
“Please keep her in your prayers,” the TMC added.
Leaders across the party lines have wished a speedy recovery to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee who sustained a ‘major injury’ on Thursday.
She got injured after falling accidentally at her home and TMC national general secretary and Mamata’s nephew Abhishek Banerjee got her admitted to the SSKM hospital.