‘There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is a society, where none intrudes,
By the deep Sea, and music in its roar:
I love not to Man the less, but Nature more,’
Lord Byron Ever since expression found its way to human beings, we have harnessed inspiration from nature. Right from the time, we found caves, stones and wooden wicks to carve our knowledge of the world as it was, to writing poetry Divinely Guided by nature, this is one inspiration that will never run out of generosity. My immediate introduction to nature was way before I knew I wanted to be an Artist. However, I was always fascinated by the diverse colours of nature. My observation was very strong while admiring the play of colours exhibited by nature, in the form of flowers, in the form of clouds, in the form of hills, and everything I had immediate exposure to. Getting up early to admire the contrast of colours portrayed by a sunrise, the speech of clouds, and the dance of kites, paved the way for me to be an Artist. Every little thing, from counting the green trees around my city home in a crowded area, to the blessing of interacting more with nature in the botanical garden in my home town, has stayed with me to date.
As a child, one of the common sites our family used to visit was Paonta Sahib. While we drove up to that place, I used to stare outside the window only to be intrigued by the complex forms of nature. Numerous mango gardens would pass by, and the hills surrounded by many picturesque locations would ignite a spark in me to express my love for nature through colours even more. The curiosity and the craving for expression made me paint landscapes. The hills of Paonta Sahib invited me to discover mango trees on the way, and I would pluck the mangoes from the trees by climbing on the top of my car. As a child, other places in northern India I travelled to were, Sahastradhara in Dehradun which is famous for its waterfalls, Haridwar, a holy city in the foothills of the Himalayas famous for its ghats and Ganges river, Rishikesh situated in the Himalayan foothills beside the Ganges River. I used to track every minuscule detail nature had to offer during such visits. Brimming with truly satisfying beauty, the trips made me experience the freeness of nature.
The author is the artist and a healthcare administrator equipped with an MHA degree also a Founder of Strokes and Verses.