Senior Congress leader and former MP from Chandigarh, Pawan Kumar Bansal, has targeted the BJP government at the Center and the Chandigarh administration for taking away the jobs of contractual employees in the city. On Friday, Pawan Bansal said that at this time, almost every government department in Chandigarh has its contractual employees on the roads with their legitimate demands. Their demands seem justified because these were the promises made by the BJP in its manifesto in 2019, which have not been fulfilled. Newspapers nowadays are full of these news stories. Teachers, PGIMER staff, NHM employees, and creche workers have been forced to protest.
While unemployment is increasing in the country on one hand, it is a matter of concern; on the other hand, it is also the evidence of the failure of the BJP government, which has been showing the dream of good days for the past 10 years. The jobs of more than 2,000 employees working on a contract in the Chandigarh administration are hanging in the doldrums, and the process of removing these employees from their jobs has already begun from the administration’s side.
In such a situation, not only these 2,000 employees but also their families are facing a crisis. However, instead of providing jobs, the BJP government at the center is taking away jobs, and the Chandigarh administration is not even protecting the rights of these employees.
“Even the central government had stated in the parliament that the unemployment rate of graduates in Chandigarh increased by 5.6% in 2022-23, whereas unemployment is at its highest level in 45 years. There are about 4 crore unemployed youths in the country, and one in every three youths is looking for a job. There are around 10 lakh approved vacant government posts across the country, but the government is working on a policy to end the posts after keeping them vacant for 5 years; obviously, this will only increase unemployment.”
Pawan Kumar Bansal said that if we only talk about Chandigarh, then here too, almost every government department has recruited employees on contract, including education and health. For a long time, they have been performing their services with full honesty, but now the central government is saying that those posts which have been vacant for the past five years should be terminated, whereas the government should have made the employees working on a contract permanent. The BJP only favors industrialists like Ambani-Adani, so it wants to completely privatize the government system. They have even recruited contractual soldiers through the Agni Veer scheme by ending permanent jobs in the national Army. In such a situation, how can one expect permanent employment and a bright future from them?
In the BJP’s ‘Amrit Kaal,’ the situation has come to such a point that engineers are forced to work as laborers, and Ph.D. holders are applying for watchman’s jobs in some places while selling vegetables elsewhere. The increasing unemployment is also the reason for two unemployed committing suicide every hour