Three men tragically lost their lives, and three others sustained injuries in a car accident near a village in Hisar, as reported by the police. The passengers, who were employees of Haryana power utility Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN), were returning to Hisar after attending a wedding ceremony in Bhiwani district on Thursday night when the driver lost control of the vehicle, resulting in a collision with a tree. The accident took place in Harikot village.
The deceased have been identified as junior engineer Bhuvnesh Sangwan from Rewari, Mandeep Kundu from Hisar, and Rajesh from Fatehabad. The injured individuals have been promptly admitted to a hospital in Hisar for medical treatment.
This tragic incident underscores the importance of road safety awareness and responsible driving practices. It serves as a grim reminder of the potential consequences of negligence behind the wheel. As families mourn the loss of their loved ones and the injured individuals undergo treatment, it is crucial for authorities to thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident to prevent similar incidents in the future.