The Special Court for CBI Cases in Chandigarh has sentenced Smt. Raka Ghirra, then DSP of Mohali, Punjab Police, to 6 (six) years of rigorous imprisonment along with a fine of Rs. 2 lakh in a CBI case involving the demand and acceptance of a bribe of Rs. 1 lakh.
The CBI registered a case on July 22, 2011, against Raka Ghirra, then Dy.Supdt. of Police in Punjab Police, Mohali, and Manmohan Singh, Reader to DSP, on allegations of demanding a bribe of Rs. 2.00 lakh to assist the complainant in FIRs registered against him. Subsequently, during negotiations, Smt. Raka Ghirra agreed to accept Rs. 1.00 lakh as part payment of the bribe.
A trap was set by the CBI on July 24, 2011, resulting in the apprehension of Raka Ghirra at Chandigarh while accepting a bribe of Rs. 1 lakh. After completing the investigation, a charge sheet was filed in the Court of Special Judge, CBI, Chandigarh, against the accused Smt. Raka Ghirra on April 23, 2012. Manmohan Singh turned approver in the case. Following the trial, the Court found the accused guilty and convicted her on July 5, 2024. The quantum of the sentence was pronounced by the Court today.