As the parliamentary polls draw near, all political factions are on toes to strengthen their position giving nod to appointments in organisational set up . In this row, the state BJP has issued the list of newly appointed office bearers in state BJP . The state BJP announced the names of 8 new Vice presidents. Sandeep Yadav, Naveen Bunty, Jyoti Sharma, Akshit Dahiya, Sandeep Sajuma Parv Sharma, Brijender Khera and Inderjeet Yadav have been appointed as wise presidents of Panchkula, Jhajjar, Panipat, Sonipat, Kaithal, Gurugran, Kurukshetra and Gurugran respectively. Likewise, yogesh Jathedi and Jitendra Chaudhry have been appointed as General Secretaries of Sonipat and Faridabad respectively. Apart from this, several have been assigned the responsibility in Social media , reasearch and IT cell wings.