Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal emphasized the significance of character building, stating that it is a prerequisite before physical infrastructure development. Once character building is ensured, physical development will automatically follow. The focus on character building by the government is a novel approach that was not considered earlier.
Manohar Lal addressed the officers of the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, and Haryana Civil Service during the ‘Ethics Conclave’ organized under Mission Karmayogi in Panchkula. He mentioned that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has initiated Mission Karmayogi to instill the spirit of morality in government officers and employees. It is the responsibility of officers and employees to boost people’s confidence in the system. Eliminating the feeling of distrust among the people is a significant challenge, but officials can meet public aspirations by changing their vision and working style.
Mission Karmayogi aims to awaken the spirit of social service with determination, strength, and morale among officers and employees. If they truly become Karmayogis and dedicate themselves to society, they will attain spiritual satisfaction. The Chief Minister noted that when he assumed office in 2014, he had numerous questions regarding governance and the conduct of officers/employees. Despite the presence of many well-intentioned individuals in the government, he recognized the necessity for change, leading to several initiatives towards systemic reform launched on the first Good Governance Day on December 25, 2015. Over the past nine and a half years, numerous successful endeavors have been undertaken in pursuit of good governance. However, there is still much more to be done, and officers and employees can play a vital role in this direction.