The Chief Election Officer, Mr Praveen Gupta, issued directives to nodal officers of various regulatory agencies regarding activities conducted during the preparation and election periods of the Lok Sabha General Elections 2024. Mr Gupta addressed a review meeting related to election expenditure monitoring at the conference hall of the headquarters in Jaipur on Tuesday.
During the meeting, discussions were held on various issues arising during the state assembly elections, and suggestions were received. Special emphasis was placed on inter-departmental coordination and intelligence sharing. Discussions included issues related to alcohol, drugs, and narcotics, with directions given for enhanced vigilance and the establishment of checkpoint posts on these routes.
Information about SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) regarding checking on airstrips and helipads was provided. All nodal officers present at the meeting were instructed to provide necessary training to district-level officers for the upcoming elections.
Mr. Gupta highlighted that the departments presented their findings, including the organizational structure and functioning of the department, along with information on activities and achievements based on the nature of sensitivity in the last 3-6 months. The seizure information during the Vidhan Sabha General Elections 2018 and 2023, as well as the Lok Sabha General Elections 2019 (cash, alcohol, narcotics, precious metals, and other materials) and the updated information on releases, were presented.