After assuming office, Neha Giri, the Managing Director of Rajasthan Medical Services Corporation, held her first meeting with the corporation’s officials. She directed that the timely supply of medicines, testing kits, and other equipment should be ensured in all medical institutions of the state. She emphasized supplying medicines based on the demand received from medical institutions.
Giri stated that the Chief Minister’s Free Medicine and Testing Scheme is an important health-related initiative for the general public. Keeping this in mind, she urged the officials and staff of the corporation to carry out the procurement, supply, and quality control of medicines with utmost responsibility. She stressed that there should be no negligence at any level in the quality control of medicines, and the supply should be made only after ensuring compliance with quality standards.
The Managing Director instructed the Executive Director and Deputy Director to take action against banned medicines, blacklisted suppliers, and companies while keeping updated information from various regulatory authorities. Additionally, she advised that the packaging material of medicines should be as eco-friendly and biodegradable as possible. She emphasized the need to regularly seek feedback from medical institutions regarding the supplied equipment. Any complaints related to the equipment should be addressed promptly.