Chandigarh Congress is set to convene a meeting of its senior leaders the day after tomorrow to strategize on the recently concluded Mayoral elections. The party president will preside over a pre-House meeting aimed at discussing and formulating the floor strategy for the upcoming Municipal Corporation House meeting scheduled for the 7th of this month. H S Lucky, President of Chandigarh Pradesh Congress, revealed that the party is gearing up to organize a series of protests across different parts of the city. These demonstrations aim to shed light on alleged wrongdoings by the BJP and its Nominated councillor Anil Masih, who served as the presiding officer in the Mayoral elections. The Congress party intends to bring these issues to the people’s court to expose what they perceive as improprieties by the BJP in securing a victory in a local election.
Simultaneously, the Congress party has decided to pursue legal action by filing a writ in the High Court challenging the election results of the senior deputy Mayor and deputy mayor. H S Lucky emphasized that the party is anxiously awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision, which is scheduled for tomorrow before a three-member bench.