On the directives of Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, the district administration will initiate efforts to address the complaints of district residents at their doorstep in villages and wards under the AAP government from February 6, 2024. Providing information in this regard, Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Viraj Shyamkaran Tidke organized the first training workshop for nodal officers in the district administrative complex on Saturday.
He stated that the primary aim of this significant initiative by the Punjab government is to resolve people’s problems. During the camps, in each sub-division, four camps will be conducted in a day under the leadership of the sub-divisional magistrate. The role of nodal officers in rural areas has been assigned to SDMs, tehsildars, naib tehsildars, and block development and panchayat officers, while in urban local bodies, officers at the level of Joint Commissioners will take charge.
Tidke mentioned that all concerned officers would be present in the designated camps on a specific day and location, addressing complaints on the spot. Information about the camps will be disseminated to residents of urban wards and villages through local places and the district administration’s social media platforms and print media well in advance.
He emphasized that besides the grievance redressal mechanism, forms for 45 (previously 43) doorstep services (dial 1076) would be made available on the spot in adequate numbers during all camps. A dedicated call center number 1100 related to the state’s grievance redressal system will function as a feedback call center, contacting residents who have participated in previous local camps.
Tidke suggested that there should be adequate arrangements for residents who come with their problems to sit in the camps, along with officers coming for the camps from various departments. He mentioned that a help desk would be set up at each site.
Furthermore, an orientation workshop for line departments will be organized to familiarize them with standard operating procedures related to camps, where officers/representatives will address public complaints. On this occasion, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Rural Development) Sonam Choudhary, SDM Derabassi Himanshu Gupta, Mohali SDM Deepankar Garg, and Kharar SDM Gurmandar Singh were present, along with field officer Indrapal, Assistant Commissioner (General) Harjot Kaur Mavi, Assistant Commissioner (Training) Devi Goyal, DPIO Kharar Satvant Singh Randhawa, and other officials.