In an unexpected move, the Punjab state government has ordered the transfer of 183 Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSPs) within the police department ahead of Republic Day. The comprehensive list of the shuffled personnel was uploaded later in the evening, causing a significant administrative shake-up. In addition to the DSPs, 91 officers from the Indian Police Service (IPS) and Punjab Police Service (PPS) have also been subjected to transfers within the state.
Furthermore, the Punjab Government has announced the immediate transfer and posting of two Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers and one Punjab Civil Service (PCS) officer.
Shri Harish Nayar, IAS (2009), Special Secretary of the Public Works Department (Buildings & Roads), has been reassigned to the role of Additional Chief Electoral Officer for Punjab.
Shri Abhijeet Kaplish, IAS (2015), who served as the Director of Mines and Geology, has been appointed as the new Additional Chief Electoral Officer for Punjab.
Additionally, Shri Sakatar Singh Bal, PCS (2012), formerly the Additional State Transport Commissioner for Punjab, has been designated as the Joint Chief Electoral Officer for the state.
These changes come into effect immediately, marking a significant administrative realignment within Punjab’s law enforcement and administrative sectors.