Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu visited the Shri Hanuman Temple Jakhu on Monday to pay his respects. During interactions with the media, Sukhu mentioned participating in the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony in Ayodhya and praying at Hanuman Ji’s Temple, emphasizing his devotion to Shri Ram. The Chief Minister encouraged the state’s residents to light lamps and adopt the principles exemplified by Shri Ram. He also disclosed plans for installing the idol of Shri Ram on the Jakhu temple premises.
Principal Advisor to the Chief Minister (Media) Naresh Chauhan, Mayor Municipal Corporation Shimla Surender Chauhan, Deputy Mayor Uma Kaushal, OSD to the Chief Minister Ritesh Kaprate, Chairman APMC Shimla-Kinnaur Devanand Verma, Deputy Commissioner Aditya Negi and other dignitaries were present on this occasion.
Meanwhile, the grand Ram Temple in Ayodhya will be open to the public from Tuesday onwards. The ‘Pran Pratishtha’ ceremony of Lord Ram was held at 12.29 p.m. The ceremonial journey leading up to the Pran Pratishtha included a seven-day ritual that commenced on January 16.
The ceremony was attended by representatives of all major spiritual and religious sects in the country. People from all walks of life, including representatives of various tribal communities, also attended the ceremony. Built in the traditional Nagara style, Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Mandir has a length (east-west) of 380 feet and a width of 250 feet.
It stands 161 feet above the ground and is supported by a total of 392 pillars and 44 doors. The pillars and walls of the temple showcase intricately sculpted depictions of Hindu deities, gods, and goddesses.
In the sanctum sanctorum on the ground floor, the childhood form of Bhagwan Shri Ram (the idol of Shri Ramlalla) is enthroned.