In a significant development, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Special Court has issued a proclamation against terrorist Lakhbir Singh, also known as Landa, a wanted terrorist in Punjab. The court, having previously issued a one-month notice, has now declared Lakhbir a fugitive, prompting the NIA to initiate preparations for the confiscation of his properties.
Lakhbir Singh, along with his associates Harjinder Singh Sandhu (Rinda), Satnam Singh Satta, Parminder Singh Khaira, and Yadwinder Singh Yada, faces charges of sedition. The trial, being conducted in NIA’s Special Court in Delhi, commenced on October 9, 2023.
The NIA had filed a petition seeking the declaration of the accused as absconding, leading to the issuance of a notice in Lakhbir’s name. Following the expiration of the stipulated one-month period, the NIA has now officially pronounced Lakhbir Singh as a fugitive.
In an effort to expedite Lakhbir Singh’s apprehension, the NIA has announced a reward of 15 lakhs for information leading to his arrest. A lookout circular against Lakhbir was previously issued in 2021, and the NIA has been actively pursuing his whereabouts since he fled abroad in 2017.
Investigations reveal that Lakhbir Singh manages his criminal network from Canada. Utilizing smaller criminals across different regions of the state, Lakhbir orchestrates activities such as contract killings, extortion, and other criminal enterprises. Moreover, he is known to demand ransoms from affluent individuals, including businessmen, doctors, and celebrities.
In response to Lakhbir’s criminal activities, Punjab Police meticulously compiled a dossier. The dossier includes incidents guided by Lakhbir’s directives, such as the unlawful seizure of disputed land in Lakhan village in June 2021, car looting in March 2021, extortion from a commission agent in Sheron village, and various other charges. Notably, the dossier was forwarded to the Ministry of Home Affairs last year.
Lakhbir Singh’s association with arrested gangster Dilpreet Singh Dahan, who was once an accomplice of Harvinder Rinda, is noteworthy. Additionally, Lakhbir’s involvement in a case related to planting a bomb under a police inspector’s car in Amritsar last year has further raised concerns. In August of the previous year, NIA’s Special Court had ordered the seizure of Lakhbir Singh’s properties in Kirian village, Tarn Taran.