During the Maghi Mela in Punjab, MP of Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) and wife of leader Sukhbir Badal, Harsimrat Kaur Badal, has drawn criticism from Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann. The Chief Minister accused the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) and SAD of defending Harsimrat’s statement without taking any action against her. Harsimrat Kaur Badal compared her party symbol (Takdi) ‘Scale’ with God “Baba Nanak ki Takdi’’ lately.
In a tweet, CM Bhagwant Mann stated, “After Bibi Harsimrat Kaur Badal’s controversial statement during Maghi Mela, will the volunteers of Akali Dal Badal, particularly Harjinder Singh Dhami of SGPC, speak up, or is this what we can expect? Always defend Akali Dal in front of the media, and tell Bhagwant Mann not to interfere in religious matters.”
Chief Minister Mann accused SGPC’s Chief Advocate Harjinder Singh Dhami of shielding Harsimrat Kaur Badal, who had made contentious remarks during a program organized by female volunteers at Maghi Mela. Harsimrat urged Sukhbir Badal to pay attention to women’s demands and claimed that the party associated with Baba Nanak, the party that thought well for every section, would strengthen the cause.
CM Bhagwant Mann linked his statement to a controversy that arose during the initiation of Gurbani broadcasting on a private channel by SGPC’s Chief Advocate Harjinder Singh Dhami. About a year ago, after coming into power, CM Mann had initiated efforts to stop Gurbani broadcasting on private channels. Advocate Dhami advised CM Mann against interfering in religious matters during a heated debate on the private channel.