BJP, which is preparing for the Lok Sabha elections, has divided the state into clusters to win all the 10 seats of Haryana again and focus working on each seat. The party has divided the 10 Lok Sabha seats.
The central leadership of BJP met in Delhi this week. In which the feedback received from the ground was discussed. The inputs given by the leaders were also discussed in the recent Haryana BJP Core Committee meeting in Panchkula.
After this, it was decided to divide Haryana into 3 clusters and put an in-charge in each of them. After this, on Tuesday itself the responsibility of the three clusters was divided among Krishnalal Panwar, Manish Grover and Rao Narbir Singh. Along with Haryana, such clusters have also been formed in some other states.
On Tuesday itself, BJP National President JP Nadda, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and National Organization General Secretary BL Santosh held a meeting with the cluster chiefs at the party headquarters in New Delhi and explained them their responsibilities and work.
According to sources, the cluster in-charge will work on coordination with all the party leaders, from Panna Pramukh to the candidates on every Lok Sabha seat of his cluster, to bring them on one platform so that the hold among the voters can be strengthened.
It will be the responsibility of the cluster in-charge to properly evaluate all the claimants for party tickets on every Lok Sabha seat and send its report to the high command so that the ticket can be given to the right candidate.
Not only this, from the time the ticket is finalized till the voting takes place, the cluster in-charge will also plan with the workers on every Lok Sabha seat under him as to how the party can win. The cluster in-charge will also be responsible for implementing this planning on the ground.
The cluster in-charge will visit every Lok Sabha seat under his jurisdiction and hold a meeting with the local leaders. The feedback received from local leaders will be sent directly to the high command. On the basis of this feedback, the party will plan and make strategy for seat-wise elections.