Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann reiterated the Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) commitment to independently contest all 13 seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in the state, expressing confidence in securing victory on all fronts. Mann asserted that Punjab would play a pivotal role as a ‘hero’ for the party, clinching success in each of the 13 Lok Sabha constituencies.
Despite speculation surrounding AAP’s potential alliance with the Congress, Chief Minister Mann refrained from providing clarity when questioned on the matter.
In response to Mann’s declaration that AAP would contest alone on all 13 seats, Punjab Congress Chief Amarinder Singh Raja Warring revealed that the Congress party is also gearing up for an independent electoral campaign in the state. He conveyed the sentiments of the common Congress workers to the party’s ‘high command’ through Punjab state in-charge Devendra Yadav, expressing hope that decisions would consider the workers’ sentiments.
Meanwhile, Congress’ Leader of Opposition (LoP) in Punjab, Partap Singh Bajwa, highlighted that Punjab Congress leaders and workers have conveyed their views on the alliance to the high command. Bajwa remains optimistic that decisions will align with the expressed sentiments of the party members.
The ongoing discussions between the senior leaders of Congress and AAP in Punjab have yet to yield an agreement on forming an alliance. The absence of consensus poses a significant challenge for both parties, especially if the high command decides to forge an alliance without the concurrence of local leadership in Punjab. The resolution of this issue remains crucial to bringing party workers and state organizational leaders together on a unified platform.