The intense cold wave has gripped Punjab, causing disruptions in daily life. Meanwhile, the Meteorological Department has issued a dense fog warning for most places in Punjab in the next 24 hours, i.e., until 17.1.24 (3 p.m.).
The Punjab SDMA has issued guidelines to the public for avoiding the cold, emphasizing precautions to prevent exposure to the cold wave. It advises staying indoors as much as possible during inclement weather, minimizing travel during fog, avoiding exposure to cold air, and wearing adequate winter clothing.
It’s worth noting that the Weather Department had previously issued a severe cold day warning. According to this, the minimum temperature in Ludhiana, Punjab, has been recorded at 1 degree. Amidst the dense fog and cold wave, there is a continuous decline in temperatures across Punjab, leading to challenging conditions. Relief from the cold is not expected in the coming days. The red alert for dense fog and the cold wave will persist in Punjab. The situation is severe, with public life significantly disrupted due to the severe cold.