On Monday, the National Green Tribunal (NGT) issued a notice to the Punjab government, the District Magistrate, and relevant officials. This action comes in response to a plea filed by Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu and others. The plea requests intervention to halt purported illegal sand mining in Rupnagar, Punjab. Additionally, it seeks directives to identify officials permitting such mining and to initiate actions against them following a thorough investigation.
The bench headed by Justice Prakash Shrivastava on Monday after hearing the submissions of Advocates KC Mittal and Abhimanyu Walia, sought the response of all respondents and fixed the matter for March 11, 2024.
Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu through a plea stated, “I along with few well-wishers of Punjab have filed a petition before NGT, Delhi to take immediate remedial measures and stop all illegal sand mining in Rupnagar, Punjab and to identify erring officials who have allowed illegal mining in Rupnagar and initiate action against such officials after a detailed investigation. It is listed on Monday before the Court no. 1, NGT, Delhi.”
The large-scale mechanized mining and crusher operation in the area has impacted the environment adversely. Illegal, unregulated and unscientific sand mining can alter the river bed and increase flood risk in the region, the plea further mentioned.
The High Court of Punjab and Haryana has also observed in an order that illegal mining operations are being carried out in Rupnagar, Punjab and that the District Administration as well as the local police are trying to shield the real culprits behind these operations.
Rampant illegal sand mining in Rupnagar despite the Tribunal’s earlier directions to put an end to such illegal mining by implementing the suggestions made by the Joint Committee, illegal mining continues to be an issue that ravages Rupnagar and its environment, the plea said.
The plea sought direction to the respondents to prepare a revised and accurate District Survey Report as required under the Sustainable Sand Mining Management Guidelines (SSMMG), 2016 and Enforcement and Monitoring Guidelines for Sand Mining (EMGSM), 2020 issued by the
As per the plea, the guidelines specifically include a replenishment/scientific study by an institute of national importance, an audit of the rivers in the district, an annual environmental audit and an action plan to break clusters to allow EIA 2006 compliance.
Direct respondents to produce a fresh record of illegal mining operations in Rupnagar by way of appropriate Fact-finding Reports which specifically include data on the magnitude of illegal mining within the district, as well as, whether Mine owners, Stone Crushers and others involved in Sand Mining have obtained Environmental Clearances as per the Environmental Impact Notification, 2006 and other Environmental laws, the plea read.