As her “painful” yet inspiring training journey comes to an end, Bollywood actor Taapsee Pannu, on Wednesday shared a glimpse of her transformational journey from ‘Rashmi Rocket’ with fans. The ‘Thappad’ star who is working her fingers to the bones to make her body tough for her upcoming sports flick, has wrapped up her training sessions schedule for the shoot. To treat her fans, Taapsee shared a sneak peek of her athletic drill from ‘Rashmi Rocket’, on social media.
The clip which shows the 33-year-old actor gearing up to run on the race track also features Taapsee sharing her experience throughout the journey, “It was painful. The third day of the shoot, I felt like my body couldn’t take it anymore, I just couldn’t run anymore. I have to stop the shoot for a while just be able to walk,” she said. The ‘Pink’ star said that she hit the gym really bad for the film. In the caption, she announced that the full video of her training journey would be out tomorrow.
Taapsee noted, “As I finish the last athletic training today for #RashmiRocket here’s the journey I was waiting to share with you all….Or rather a glimpse of it. If it makes you curious then the transformation was worth it. The full journey tomorrow.”Vidya Balan, Sonakshi Sinha and Bhumi Padnekar among others poured love and appreciation to her comments section. Directed by Akarsh Khurana and co-produced by Ronnie Screwvala, Neha Anand, and Pranjal Khandhdiya, the sports-drama that chronicles the story of a girl Rashmi and her journey from a tiny village to athletic contests, is expected to release sometime in 2021.