Jogaram Patel, the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Law and Legal Affairs, and Legal Consultation, visited his hometown Jodhpur on Sunday. He met with Jodhpur’s representatives and special individuals from 9 am to 10:30 am. During this time, he listened to the issues of the general public at Jodhpur Circuit House.
Besides BJP workers, residents from rural areas also welcomed Minister Jogaram Patel. During this visit, people from villages shared their problems with the minister. In this public hearing, most complaints were related to drinking water and other issues, and the minister assured in this regard.
After the public hearing, Minister Jogaram Patel had an official interaction with the media. He conveyed heartfelt greetings to the people of the entire state on the occasion of Makar Sankranti.
He assured that efforts would be made to address the issues raised by the public at the earliest.
Speaking about the Ram Temple, he stated that it is a moment of joy for the entire world. The grand consecration of Lord Ram’s temple is scheduled for January 22. He expressed that this day is a time of joy and enthusiasm for every Indian.
Minister Jogaram Patel criticised the opposition party Congress, saying that in matters like these, where a sacred act is taking place, there should be no opposition if politics is being played by Congress.
He emphasised that God is not limited to one person or one party; rather, the god belongs to everyone, therefore, opposition should not be made in such sacred activities.