In a clear message to leaders of the ruling BJP, Deputy Chief Minister Diya Kumari on Thursday said their behaviour and public conduct should not change just because the party has assumed the administrative reins of the state.
She called on BJP leaders in the state to set a ‘good example’ for others to follow.
The deputy CM made the remarks while addressing party workers at the BJP office in Rajasthan’s Bhilwara district on Thursday.
Seeking to draw a parallel between the current BJP regime and the previous Congress government in the state, Diya Kumari said the people of Rajasthan reposed their electoral faith in the party and the onus was now on the government to meet their expectations.
“Earlier, we were in the Opposition. Now we are in power. While we have taken the reins of administration in the state, it should not reflect on our public conduct and day-to-day functioning,” the deputy CM said.
“Together, we should set a good example for others in the state. We all know what the previous Congress government did. They subjected the people to immense hardships and did nothing for the state. But we have to be different. We have to work and conduct ourselves in the same way as our national leadership, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” Diya added.
“The public conduct of politicians is known to change drastically when they come to power. Be it their conduct with fellow party members or the people, everything changes. However, this is one thing that our national leaders, especially PM Modi, have been guarding us against. They have been saying repeatedly that we should continue serving the people with humility, in the same way as we did earlier,” the deputy CM added