Indian Navy’s Chief, Admiral R. Hari Kumar, unveiled the indigenous creation of the Drishti 10 Starliner Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, manufactured by Adani Defence and Aerospace at their Aerospace Park in Hyderabad. This UAV is set to journey from Hyderabad to Porbandar for integration into naval maritime operations.
The Adani press release highlighted the Drishti 10 Starliner as an advanced Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) platform boasting 36 hours of endurance, a 450 kg payload capacity, and unique certification (STANAG 4671), enabling it to navigate segregated and unsegregated airspace.
The navy chief commended Adani’s efforts in aligning with Indian Navy requirements, establishing a partner ecosystem, and fostering self-reliance in defense and security. He emphasized the pivotal role of this event in India’s pursuit of ISR technology self-sufficiency and maritime superiority. Integration of the Drishti 10 into naval operations promises to bolster capabilities, fortifying preparedness for evolving maritime surveillance and reconnaissance needs.
Jeet Adani, VP of Adani Enterprises, underlined the current global context emphasizing the fusion of physical, informational, and cognitive tactics, bolstered by intelligence, unmanned systems, and cyber capabilities for information dissemination. Adani stressed their focus on intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance platforms across borders, prioritizing Indian Armed Forces’ needs and positioning India as an exporter in this domain.
Adani expressed pride in serving the Indian Navy and meeting their requisites, aiming to solidify India’s position in global exports. This strategic initiative aligns with the evolving landscape of defense technology, emphasizing the role of unmanned systems and intelligence in modern warfare.