Rajasthan Assembly Speaker Vasudev Devnani emphasized the significance of upholding the assembly’s dignity during the swearing-in ceremony of the newly elected Officer Council of the Assembly Secretariat. He urged assembly officials to approach their responsibilities with a sense of familial commitment, emphasizing the importance of completing assigned tasks with honesty and dedication.
The ceremony witnessed the swearing-in of Council President Lokesh Jain, Vice President Rasik Bihari Meena, Secretary Shiv Kumar Sharma, Treasurer Shanti Kumar Saini, Joint Secretary Ravi Kumar Jain, and Executive Members Indra Sharma, Dinesh Kumar Rao, Farooq Khan, Lalit Trivedi, Narendra Kumar Sharma, and Rajkumar Tank.
Principal Secretary of the Assembly, Mahavir Prasad Sharma, and other Assembly officials were also present on the occasion.