Jogeshwar Garg, a senior legislator from the Jalore constituency of BJP, will be responsible for the position of Chief Whip in the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly. He was the Chief Whip of the BJP Legislative Party while in opposition. A notification regarding this has been issued by the Assembly. Now, in the 16th Legislative Assembly, Garg will handle floor management within the House.
After being appointed as the Government Chief Whip, Jogeshwar Garg said that the opposition should be strong for a good debate in the House. Only when the opposition is strong does the government also work well. After being appointed as the Government Chief Whip, Garg said that he has cordial relations with most of the opposition MLAs. Therefore, even with a strong opposition, there will be no difficulty in running the House efficiently. The sensible points of the opposition will be considered.
He said that both the ruling and opposition parties should discuss for the welfare of the people of Rajasthan by working together in the House. Efforts will be made to ensure meaningful debates in the House. There will be as many meetings of the Legislative Assembly as possible, and efforts will be made for this as well.
Jogeshwar Garg has been a legislator from Jalore for the 5th time. He first became an MLA in 1990. Garg became an MLA again in 1993 after 1990. He lost the election in 1998 but became an MLA again in 2003. After that, he could not become an MLA for 10 years. He won the consecutive MLA elections from Jalore in 2018 and 2023. He has good experience in floor management in the House.
Wait for the leader of the opposition still persists
After the appointment of the Chief Whip in the Legislative Assembly, now the wait for the leader of the opposition is underway. Currently, the Congress has not been able to conduct elections for its leader of the opposition. However, Pradesh Congress President Govind Singh Dotasra has stated that the leader of the opposition will be chosen before the start of the legislative assembly session. This comes as the budget session is scheduled to begin shortly, starting from January 19.