Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the BJP is preparing a strategy to connect women with the BJP. BJP Mahila Morcha is holding a meeting regarding this in the headquarters extension on Tuesday. BJP General Secretary Tarun Chugh, Union Minister Kaushal Kishore and National Secretary Vijaya Rahatkar attended the meeting. Apart from these, state presidents and officials of all the states are also included in the meeting.
In the meeting, a strategy is being made to make women’s self-help groups aware of the schemes and programmes being run by the government. After this, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also participate in a programme of the BJP Mahila Morcha.
On January 6, the BJP held a meeting of all its party morchas to review the work they have carried out recently and were instructed by the senior leadership to ensure that efforts be made in reaching out to the public, party sources said on Saturday. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of BL Santosh, BJP General Secretary. Presidents of all” BJP morchas, morcha in-charge, senior officials, etc. were present in the meeting.
According to sources, the work of all the Morchas was reviewed in the meeting. “All the Morchas also presented the report card of their work in the meeting,” a party functionary said.
Sources said that instructions were given in the meeting that all the Morchas should have maximum reach among the public. Sources mentioned that discussions were held to make the organisation stronger than before. Apart from this, in the meeting, the national presidents of all the morchas were instructed to hold as many conferences as possible and make maximum contact with the people of their castes, the party source said.
“Workers should be as active as possible and reach out to the public as much as possible. Visiting villages, holding conferences, contacting the beneficiaries, holding community meetings, etc were discussed,” a BJP functionary said.
The evolving political narrative in India will play a crucial role in influencing the upcoming elections, necessitating scrutiny. Earlier in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the NDA won 353 seats, the UPA stood at 91, and Others won 98. The voting was staggered in seven phases between April 11 and May 19, in which around 67 per cent of the nearly 900 million eligible people exercised their franchise to elect 542 members of the Lok Sabha. The Lok Sabha elections will be held this year and that is likely to be between the Modi government’s NDA alliance and the INDIA bloc.