On Friday Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore addressed the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra programme in Jaipur’s Jhotwara zone. He said that as the consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya nears, Ramrajya is being established within the country.
“The country will be able to be successful only when the country’s money reaches its citizens. Till now, there was a lot of theft in the government schemes, but Modi ji has stopped the leakage of thefts. Now banks come to your house and everyone’s accounts are opened… Today the schemes of the Central Government under the Vikasit Bharat Sankalp Yatra are reaching you…” said the state Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore.
He added, “Now Viksit Bharat is taking out Sankalp Yatra in which two things are happening. 100% benefits of the schemes should reach every home and family. The second resolution has to be taken that we should contribute to making a developed India.”
Rathore also urged the people to make India a developed country, saying,
“It is the responsibility of all of us to develop India and make it the most powerful nation in the world while we are alive.”
Speaking about PM Modi’s tenure, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore said, “Since Modi ji took office in 2014, he has done two big things… firstly, to strengthen India economically… secondly, to bring economic power to every citizen and family… in these two big works, everyone got the right to live and move forward…”
Rathore assumed charge as cabinet minister at the state Secretariat in Jaipur on January 1, 2024, and said that the coming five years are very important for the state.
“It is the responsibility of the officers, employees and all of us to serve the people of Rajasthan. The Constitution also says that whatever responsibility you have, fulfil it properly… These five years are very important for Rajasthan,” Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore said.
More than 1,880 people benefited during the camp
During the camp, checks were distributed to 4 beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Swanidhi Yojana. At the same time, 9 gas connections were also distributed on the spot. The oath was administered to 1 thousand 880 common people and beneficiaries in the last two days in Jhotwara. Under Vikas Bharat, on Friday, Amrapali Circle, Ward No. 53,55,56, Gandhi Path Vaishali Nagar Ward No. The camp was organised in 5,862. Under this, 690 people in the Amrapali Circle area and more than 700 people in Gandhi Path benefited.