The Phase-11 police in Mohali has filed a case against a female manager who has left her job, accusing her of diverting payments for goods sold to her personal account. The case was registered based on a complaint filed by Sanjeev Garg, the owner of the firm, at the SSP Mohali’s office on March 6, 2023. The accused, identified as Kavita Sultan Bhatti, a resident of Urban Homes Society in Phase-9, is currently absconding.
Sanjeev Garg, in his complaint, stated that he and his partner run a firm operating in Ocean Sails Phase-9 Industrial Area, which is a Godrej Interio franchise holder and dealer. Kavita Sultan Bhatti had been appointed as the store manager in December 2020 but left the job in 2023. Allegedly, during her tenure, she orchestrated the transfer of customer payments directly into her personal account.
Upon investigation, initiated by a DSP-ranked officer, the accused was identified, leading to the registration of a case against her.The investigating officer, ASI Harnek Singh, confirmed that Kavita Sultan Bhatti is currently evading authorities. The legal proceedings will follow as the case unfolds.