Jammu and Kashmir has achieved a remarkable feat by clinching the gold (state category B) at the prestigious National One District One Product (ODOP) awards ceremony, held at Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan. The Union Territory’s dedication to promoting ODOP initiatives was recognized during the Aatmanirbhar Bharat Utsav 2024, a celebration of India’s cultural heritage, diversity, and entrepreneurial prowess.
Khalid Jahangir, Managing Director of Jammu and Kashmir Trade Promotion Organization (JKTPO), received the coveted award on behalf of the Union Territory. The JKTPO, designated as the nodal agency for ODOP in Jammu and Kashmir, played a pivotal role in championing ODOP products from the region, showcasing unwavering commitment to the initiative.
In addition to the state’s triumph, Shopian district secured the bronze award in the Agriculture sector category for its commendable contribution to the ODOP initiative, with Apple as the designated ODOP product.
This recognition underscores Shopian’s significant role in promoting horticulture and contributing to the ODOP vision.
The ODOP awards ceremony not only symbolizes India’s journey towards self-reliance but also highlights the exceptional efforts of regions like Jammu and Kashmir in championing indigenous products. Under the leadership of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, the Union Territory has emerged as a beacon of commitment to innovation, contributing significantly to the nation’s economic and cultural growth.
The Chief Secretary of Jammu and Kashmir, along with the Commissioner Secretary of Industries and Commerce, has been instrumental in steering the ODOP initiatives in the region, guiding the path to success.
Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, and Textiles, Piyush Goyal, extended heartfelt congratulations to the awardees and emphasized the importance of promoting ODOP products to benefit local weavers, artisans, and farmers. He lauded the efforts of Indian Missions Abroad in promoting ODOP during the G20 summit, expressing optimism for the continued growth of the Aatmanirbhar Bharat Utsav in the years ahead.
Dr. S Jaishankar, Union Minister of External Affairs and Chief Guest of the occasion, highlighted the significant role of ODOP in showcasing India’s diversity globally. He recounted instances of presenting local ODOP products to global leaders during India’s G20 Presidency, underscoring the initiative’s impact on foreign policy, foreign economic policy, and foreign commerce policy. Dr. Jaishankar expressed confidence that ODOP would contribute to stronger tourism as awareness grows about the rich art, culture, and history associated with different regions of India.
The JKTPO, committed to the promotion of ODOP, has devised a comprehensive activity plan focused on the products of each district in Jammu and Kashmir. With the support of the government, JKTPO aims to take proactive steps to foster the growth and recognition of ODOP products in the region.