Vice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar extended heartfelt congratulations to the graduating students and awardees of the Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology, Jammu, during the 8th Convocation Ceremony. Unfortunately, adverse weather conditions prevented his attendance, leading to a rerouting of the flight through Pathankot.
In his address, Vice-President Dhankhar conveyed his sincere regrets for his inability to attend the event, emphasizing the deteriorating weather situation that necessitated the rerouting of the flight. Despite his absence, he commended the students on their achievements and wished them success in their future endeavors.
Union Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Jitendra Singh, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, Dr. Rajesh Gokhale, Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Dr. N. Kalaiselvi, and other dignitaries were present at the occasion, underscoring the significance of the convocation and the achievements of the graduating students.