The Haryana government has waived long outstanding water bills worth Rs 372 crore for residents in rural areas of the state. Approximately 29 lakh households in rural areas will benefit from this cabinet decision, with villagers now being charged water bills for only one year. Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar announced this information after the cabinet meeting held in Chandigarh on Wednesday, during which 15 agendas were passed.
The Chief Minister stated that the government has decided to provide Rs 400 every month to over 6,000 rural watchmen in Haryana. They will receive this amount in exchange for providing information related to any loss of life or untoward incidents in their area to the concerned department. Additionally, rural watchmen will be given a lump sum amount of Rs 2 lakh upon retirement by the government.
Furthermore, individuals suffering from serious illnesses in the state will receive a pension of Rs 3,000 every month, without any deductions. This pension will be granted to families with an annual income of less than Rs 3 lakh.
CM Khattar highlighted that Haryana has taken a significant initiative in eco-tourism, introducing a new policy in this regard. Changes in some rules related to the Haryana Wildlife Department were also approved in the meeting. The post of Chief Wildlife Warden has now been removed from the State rules and included at the PCCF level in the IFS cadre of the Government of India.
In the meeting, approval was given to amend the State List of Backward Classes (BC-A). Six castes – Aheria, Aheri, Heri, Hari, Turi, or Thori – have been removed from the State List of Backward Classes (Block-A). At serial number 31, the phrase ‘Jangam-Jogi’ was modified to ‘Jangam.’
CM Khattar announced that preparations have begun to celebrate Deepotsav in 3836 temples of Haryana on January 22, the day of the consecration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya. Intact urns were placed in these temples until December 31, and distribution started on January 1. The live telecast of Ayodhya will be shown on big screens through the decoration of temples, LEDs, and projectors.
Additionally, a target has been set to deliver intact pictures and leaflets of the Ram temple to 60 lakh families by January 15. Processions have been conducted at 1846 places in the state so far. Special trains are being operated for the consecration ceremony of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, with special arrangements made by the government.