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Naturopathy is older than all the medical systems prevalent in the world

Along with allopathy, different medical systems are developing in the country and the world. One of these is naturopathy. Its history is as old as nature itself. This medical science is older than all the medical systems of today. Or it can also be said that it is the mother of other medical systems. Its […]

Naturopathy is older than all the medical systems prevalent in the world

Along with allopathy, different medical systems are developing in the country and the world. One of these is naturopathy. Its history is as old as nature itself. This medical science is older than all the medical systems of today. Or it can also be said that it is the mother of other medical systems. Its description is found in mythological texts and Vedas, that is, after the Vedic period, this method was prevalent in the mythological period also.
In the modern era, Dr. Isaac Jennings called medicine a ‘gross delusion’ in the 1830s in America. His previous medical experiments had convinced him that only nature could repair its damaged ‘machinery’. Johan Bespley also started giving treatment through the methods of cold water bath and drinking water.

It is described in the Bodh text named Mahabagga that one day a disciple of Lord Buddha was bitten by a snake and at that time Lord Buddha used clay, cow dung, urine etc. to destroy the poison. The description of the second disciple being cured by taking a steam bath and bathing in hot and cold water when he fell ill is proved by the above incident which is 2500 years old.

The use of Yoga and Asanas along with Naturopathy has been in practice for 5000 years for physical and spiritual improvements. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra is an authentic book and is popular not only in India but also in foreign countries.

The development of naturopathy (with its long history) had almost disappeared. With the advent of modern medical systems, it was natural to forget this system. Among the main doctors who have raised the demand for re-establishment of this natural medicine, the big names are allopathic doctors of western countries. These were those influential people who were tired of using the science of medicine and were becoming helpless in getting well after becoming sick themselves. He cured himself by experimenting with naturopathy and started re-establishing this medical system by treating many incurable patients with this medical system in the rest of his life. He initiated more rational methods of living and disease treatment. Naturopathy is older than all the medical systems prevalent in the world. There is mention of water therapy and fasting therapy in ancient texts. In the Purana period, people considered fasting as a surefire cure.

Even in foreign countries, people are getting treatment through naturopathy.
Naturopathy system was born in India. The importance of its usefulness has been prevalent in India since ancient times. All the health related natural remedies that we are using, all those treatment methods were present in ancient India in ancient times. This method is not only used in India for disease prevention, but this method is being used today in many other countries also. Naturopathy system is the contribution of India, but due to some reasons and due to the influence of other developments, this system got lost in India. After this, the credit for its reconstruction goes to the foreign countries (Western countries).

From the middle of the 18th century, as a result of the efforts of some people, the beginning and development of naturopathy started again and we started knowing this medicine again. The great and influential people who have contributed in the revival of this system were already using medicines for the treatment of diseases, but after not being able to get success in treating the diseases even after the use of medicines and knowing its adverse effects, After tasting the bitter fruits of the drug treatment system, he took refuge in naturopathy and started living a healthy life. Being impressed by the miracles of this method, he gave a new birth to naturopathy by getting involved in the propagation and development of this method.

D. Venkat Chelapati Sharma translated ‘The New Science of Healing’
Naturopathy emerged in India in the modern era with the translation of Dr. Louis Coune’s famous book ‘The new science of healing’ into Telugu language by D. Venkata Chelapati Sharma in the year 1894. After this, in 1904, Shri Krishna Swaroop, resident of Bijnor, translated it into both Hindi and Urdu languages. With the advent of books, people’s interest in it and its study also started increasing and soon this medical system started becoming popular among the people. Mahatma Gandhiji was greatly influenced by reading Adolf Just’s book ‘Return to Nature’. This method became deeply ingrained in his life and he started experimenting with it with immediate effect on his own body, his family members and the people living in the ashram. Ultimately, this method is the best method for health in poor countries like India. Along with promoting it in every village, he also established a naturopathy hospital in Uralikanchan near Pune and also became the doctor of this hospital. Naturopathy first emerged in South India due to the establishment of the first naturopathy hospital in Uralikanchan.

Accepted into recognized medical practice
Dr. Krishnam Raju established a huge hospital at a short distance from Vijayawada. Along with this, Dr. Jankisharan Verma, Dr. Sharan Prasad, Dr. Mahavir Prasad Poddar, Dr. Ganga Prasad Goud, Dr. Vitthal Das Modi, Dr. Hiralal, Mahatma Jagadishwarananda, Dr. Kularanjan Mukherjee, Dr. V. Venkat are also present in the country. Rao, Dr. S. J. Due to the efforts of Singh, etc., many government institutions and the Central Yoga and Naturopathy Research Council etc. in Delhi contributed significantly to the establishment, as a result of which it has been accepted as a recognized hospital system today.



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