After the inauguration of the Shri Ram Mandir in Ayodhya on January 22, the Haryana government, under the Chief Minister’s Teerth Darshan Yojana, will arrange a pilgrimage for the elderly residents of the state to visit Lord Rama in Ayodhya. Preparations for this pilgrimage have already commenced. Additionally, Chief Minister Khattar announced the resumption of the Jan Samvad program in new formats and flavors starting January 25.
The Chief Minister shared that despite Supreme Court orders, the construction of the Sutlej-Yamuna Link (S.Y.L.) canal was not progressing, accusing political parties of prioritizing their political interests over public welfare. To address this, Navin Jaihind, during the special discussion program’s 50th episode, expressed his commitment to directly engage with the people via mobile phones. This initiative stems from his experience during a public interaction in Sonipat on December 9, 2022, where he observed hesitancy in expressing opinions publicly.
Moreover, Chief Minister Khattar, during the Saturday program, took significant action against Executive Engineer Jitendra Maan from the Irrigation Department in Bhiwani. Maan was sent on 15 days of compulsory leave due to continuous complaints about his improper behavior. This move reflects the Chief Minister’s commitment to addressing public grievances promptly. In light of the upcoming Ayodhya pilgrimage and continued efforts for transparent governance through direct citizen engagement, the Haryana government is actively working to ensure the well-being of its residents.