Taking a firm stand against the rising tide of cybercrime in Haryana, the state’s police force has teamed up with the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Center (I4C) under the Union Home Ministry. This strategic alliance aims to establish an integrated platform to combat online offenses and safeguard the public from digital threats.
Director General of Police, Shatrujeet Kapur, shed light on the comprehensive action strategy, emphasizing the seamless coordination between the Haryana Police and the I4C headquarters in Delhi. This collaborative spirit extends to key banking institutions nationwide, with giants like SBI, PNB, Bank of India, and Central Bank of India partnering with private entities such as Axis Bank, Canara Bank, and Kotak Mahindra Bank to fortify defenses against cyber fraud.
Acknowledging a recent uptick in cyber assaults, Kapoor pinpointed hotspots like West Bengal, Rajasthan, Mewat, and adjacent regions. The joint venture aims to curtail financial setbacks for the populace and minimize the repercussions of digital malfeasance. To expedite response times, a state-of-the-art cyber command center has been established in Panchkula’s Haryana 112 Building, staffed by a 70-member elite force primed to thwart evolving cyber threats.
Public Awareness and Vigilance Urged -Kapur urged the public to stay vigilant, avoid opening suspicious links on their mobile phones, improve online habits, create strong and unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication, share personal data only on trusted websites, exercise caution when using public WiFi, and regularly scan computers with antivirus and firewall software.
Additionally, he advised against engaging in task-based activities on the Telegram Investment App and cautioned against sharing personal information related to bank accounts. Kapoor emphasized that a little carelessness can make individuals vulnerable to cyber fraud.