Due to dense fog near Raipur village on the Jhajjar-Gurugram road, a private school bus collided with a tractor-trailer involved in an unfortunate accident. In this incident, approximately 8 passengers, including the driver and conductor, on the private school bus sustained injuries.
The injured individuals have been admitted to a government hospital, where they are undergoing treatment. The police are conducting an investigation into the matter. According to information, the HR Greenfield School bus was en route to the school with children on Wednesday morning. As the bus reached near Raipur village on the Gurugram road, there was already an accident involving a tractor-trailer due to the dense fog.
The bus driver, unable to see the vehicle in the fog, collided with it directly. The collision caused chaos in the bus, resulting in several children getting injured. An ambulance was informed promptly, and upon arrival at the scene, the injured were transported to the Civil Hospital. They are currently receiving medical care.
The victims of the incident include Harsh from Bhateda, Lakshita from Ahri, Purvi from Machrauli, Mudita from Machrauli, Kinshu, Tijil, Payal from Bhatfada, driver Lalchand from Ahri, and supervisor Vijam.