In a vibrant ceremony, Additional Deputy Commissioner Varsha Khanagwal inaugurated the state level arts festival at the Atma Auditorium of Jainendra School. The festival, set to run until December 27 at Jainendra School’s Atma Auditorium in Sector 1, is witnessing the participation of 440 students from across the entire state.
Expressing appreciation for the excellent performance of the Education Department, Panchkula, Varsha Khanagwal emphasized their collaboration in various fields. The art festival showcased the unique talents of participating students, highlighting the department’s commitment to fostering the all-round development of children.
Khanagwal emphasized the importance of connecting today’s youth with folk culture and traditional arts, promoting proficiency to ensure their preservation. The ongoing state level program features performances in ten genres, including dance, drama, music, and art and craft.
District Project Officer Kamlesh Chauhan provided insights into the festival, detailing the participation of 20 children from each of the 22 districts in the state. The categories range from vocal and instrumental music to dance, visual arts, and drama solo acting. The festival’s prize distribution ceremony is scheduled for December 27, with the District Education Department ensuring arrangements for accommodation and food for the participating children.
Highlighting the significance of the event, Chauhan announced that the top 20 participants selected in this competition would advance to the national level. Notably, one boy and one girl from each class will represent Haryana at the national stage.
The event was attended by key education officials, including District Education Officer Satpal Kaushik, District Elementary Education Officer Kamlesh Chauhan, and other dignitaries. The festival signifies a commendable effort to nurture and showcase the artistic talents of the youth, contributing to their holistic development.