In the wake of the newly formed BJP government in Rajasthan, the police have been authorised to take decisive action against the forgery mafia involved in creating fake degrees. On Sunday, Director General of Police (DGP) Umesh Mishra issued stringent directives to crack down on individuals associated with gangs producing counterfeit degrees and marksheets.
DGP Mishra emphasised that individuals linked to these fraudulent activities are under close surveillance by the police headquarters, with Additional DGP Crime Dinesh MN overseeing the operations. The task force will monitor universities and educational institutions engaged in the creation of fake degrees and marksheets, both within the state and in other regions. All police officers have been instructed to promptly investigate complaints related to this issue and take immediate action.
DGP Mishra revealed that the Jodhpur West District Police recently arrested the mastermind of a gang involved in providing fake scorecards for various university courses. The mastermind, Nareh Prajapati, was apprehended by the Mahamandir police station under Jodhpur East Police District. The accused, Nareh Prajapati, residing in Kotwali Nagaur, accepted applications from 30 individuals for admission and courses in various universities, collecting 26 lakhs from them. In return, he provided them with fake degrees and marksheets. The police acted promptly on a complaint filed by the principal of a school located in Kudi Bhagtasni police station against the accused, Ashok Kumar Gupta.
DGP Mishra explained that during the investigation, it was revealed that Nareh had connections with agents of fake degrees from other states. He issued counterfeit degrees in the names of institutions such as Uttarakhand Education Board Roorkee, Mewar University Gangrar Chittorgarh, Shri Krishna University Chhatarpur Madhya Pradesh, and IEC University Himachal Pradesh, taking money from applicants.
Under the guidance of DCP West Gaurav Yadav, two teams have been dispatched to arrest other members of this gang in different states. The interrogation of the arrested mastermind, Nareh Prajapati, is underway, and stringent action will be taken against all individuals involved in the creation of fake scorecards and degrees.