Additional Deputy Commissioner Varsha Khanagwal said that State Level Good Governance Day will be celebrated on 25th December at the Convention Hall of Red Bishop. In this, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal will honor the employees and officers who have done commendable work in the field of good governance.
Additional Deputy Commissioner Varsha Khanagwal today took stock of the preparations for the state level Good Governance Day and gave necessary guidelines to the officers.
The Additional Deputy Commissioner instructed all the officers to perform their duty with full responsibility. On the State Level Good Governance Day, Chief Minister Manohar Lal will give awards to employees and officers of different departments for their commendable work in the field of good governance. On this occasion, Municipal Magistrate Rajesh Punia, Zilla Parishad CEO Gagandeep Singh and officials of many departments were present.